Wednesday, January 22

Simple Prevention Tips to Keep You Healthy This Winter

Simple Prevention Tips to Keep You Healthy This Winter 49

The biggest trick to staying healthy is undoubtedly all about prevention. This is especially true during long winter months when the weather can leave you vulnerable to colds or allergies. Furthermore, wintertime has a way of threatening your immune system no matter what kind of weather you might encounter. Add the stress of the holidays, the approach of a new year, daily obligations, and deadlines – now you have a mix of stress that can make you susceptible to illness or injury. Thankfully, here are a few tips to help you stay healthy this winter.


Prevent Seasonal Depression

Winter can be a lovely time of year, but it also means depression for millions of people. According to some of the best mental health books, many people struggle with the seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is when people are impacted by the seasons. For instance, the lack of sun during the wintertime can cause many people to experience depression or moodiness. You can combat this by employing dawn simulators or other light therapy forms.

Get Proactive About Preventative Testing

When it comes to staying healthy in the winter and year-round, preventative testing is critical. Even if you feel healthy, taking precautions with regular checkups can detect health issues that you might not perceive. If you’re a male over 50, it’s a good idea to get a yearly physical exam. The same rule of thumb holds with women for general physicals. Additionally, women should regularly check their cervical health and obtain breast exams once a year after the age of 40 as a precautionary measure to detect the presence of cancer or other disorders.

Up Your Vitamin Intake

At the very least, take a daily multivitamin through the winter to stay ahead of fatigue. You might also consider increasing your daily dosage of vitamin C and D. These two vitamins are usually deficient in many people, especially during the wintertime. Vitamin C, zinc, and Echinacea are beneficial to prevent colds in the winter.

Get Plenty of Rest

Make sure you get plenty of solid sleep to keep you refreshed and energized. It’s easy to overlook sleep with the holidays in full swing during the winter months, plus work and family obligations. However, rest is one of the most effective ways to recharge your batteries and protect yourself from winter colds. If you have difficulty falling asleep, you might try noise-canceling headphones, black-out curtains, or soothing ambient noise that can help you achieve a rejuvenating slumber.

Eat for the Season

Eating healthy, whole foods rich in vitamins and nutrients is a proven way to prevent colds or other illnesses during the winter. In addition to eating more healthily during the winter, you might also consider eating foods in season. Eating seasonal foods boosts immunities and helps improve your mood during the winter. For instance, prepare a wholesome butternut squash soup or an enticing pumpkin curry.

Furthermore, consider eating fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi, or sauerkraut. Fermented foods have been long heralded for having healthy bacteria and probiotics which can help defend against the influenza virus running rampant during the winter months.

Drink to Your Health

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your body and mind balanced during the harrowing winter months. Additionally, drink healthy herbal teas such as ginger, chamomile, Echinacea, and ginseng. All of these teas have been shown to help the circulatory system and improve immunities, and can protect you from catching a cold in the winter.

Take Time For You

Winter is typically a time of holiday parties, social gatherings, and family reunions. While these get-togethers can be immensely enjoyable, they could leave you feeling exhausted. In turn, your fatigue could manifest into a pesky cold. You can avoid this by taking a break and making time for yourself. Enjoy a good book while sipping a hot cup of cocoa by the fire. Or indulge in a holistic massage or a respite at a spa.

Whether it’s binge-watching your favorite TV show or partaking in your favorite hobby, carve out time to be with yourself and do something you enjoy. Doing so will give you a much-deserved break and will allow your body a hiatus from the hectic winter season.

The Last Word on Staying Healthy this Winter

While taking time for yourself, remember to follow the prevention mentioned above tips for a happier, healthier winter. Making these few adjustments will help you maintain wellness to enjoy this winter season with peace of mind.