Find Out if You Have Frozen Shoulder

If you are experiencing pain and stiffness, you may have a frozen shoulder, otherwise known as ‘adhesive capsulitis’. A frozen shoulder can be a debilitating condition that affects your daily activities. While the exact cause is unknown, your age and some pre-existing health conditions can increase the likelihood of it developing.
Affecting 2-5% of the population, the majority of people who suffer from frozen shoulder are between 40 and 60 years of age, and the condition is more prevalent in women than men.1
What Causes Frozen Shoulder?
The shoulder consists of three bones that form the ball-and-socket joint: the upper arm (humerus), the shoulder blade (scapula), and the collar bone (clavicle). The shoulder joint is surrounded by a capsule, which is a sac filled with fluid that lubricates the joint.
The capsule has ligaments that hold the shoulder bones together. It can become inflamed, and scar-like tissue forms, causing the capsule to thicken and shrink. This causes pain, stiffness, and eventually reduced shoulder movement.
It is unclear why the capsule becomes inflamed and damaged, but it is more likely to happen after a shoulder remains still after an arm fracture or surgery.
The Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder
There are three stages of frozen shoulder, each with a different set of symptoms. Some pain is usually felt at first, and then the shoulder becomes stiff or ‘frozen’ for no obvious reason.
● Phase 1: Freezing
This phase of a frozen shoulder is when pain around the shoulder increases, followed by some stiffness. The shoulder isn’t fully frozen yet; this phase can last 6-9 months. While this is a long time, any aggressive treatment should be avoided.
● Phase 2: Frozen
Stiffness becomes the main symptom during this phase, during which movement becomes more restricted. Some pain can be felt at the beginning of this phase, and the shoulder can remain frozen for 9-15 months. At this time, physiotherapy is helpful in improving movement. A specialist shoulder physiotherapist at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy will be able to help with a specific treatment plan.
● Phase 3: Thawing
The final phase is when a gradual return to range of movement occurs. The pain and stiffness slowly lessen, and over 15-24 months, the shoulder range of motion will increase. Physiotherapy is the best form of treatment during this phase.
Physiotherapy Treatment for Frozen Shoulder
A frozen shoulder is often misdiagnosed as a rotator cuff injury, so obtaining an accurate diagnosis of any shoulder pain from a qualified physiotherapist is important. They will ask about your lifestyle activities and what difficulties you are having with the pain and movement of your shoulder.
Common issues that are found during a physiotherapy assessment include:
● Being unable to reach above shoulder height or reach for something quickly.
● Being unable to reach to the side and behind, such as when reaching for a seatbelt.
● Not being able to reach behind your back.
● Not being able to throw a ball.
● Being unable to sleep on your side.
Treatment depends on your phase and will be tailored specifically to your current needs.
● Phase 1: Freezing
Physiotherapy during this phase focuses on pain relief by using very gentle and specific shoulder exercises. Your GP can prescribe medication for pain relief if necessary. You don’t want to overdo it during this stage, so you must seek expert assistance from a physiotherapist.
● Phase 2: Frozen
Gentle exercises are also recommended throughout this phase to help improve joint mobilization. Stretches, dry needling, and muscle release are all helpful treatment options for improving shoulder function.
● Phase 3: Thawing
This phase improves your shoulder, and you will notice the range of motion increasing. Your physiotherapist will ensure you continue to progress safely towards recovery.
Overall, the onset and treatment of frozen shoulder may take up to 3 years or more. It is a long and slow process, but a specialist physiotherapist can safely and effectively rehabilitate the condition.
Frozen shoulder resolves in the vast majority of patients without surgery. However, surgery may be considered if there is insufficient recovery following a specific physiotherapy treatment program,
While you can’t do much to prevent a frozen shoulder if the cause is unknown, you can avoid it in cases where disuse may result in pain and stiffness, such as following surgery.
Regardless, it is highly recommended that you see a physiotherapist for any shoulder injury or pain, including a frozen shoulder. The qualified and experienced team at Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy strives to get you moving pain-free as soon as possible. Move better, remain active, and live a healthier life—give them a call to speak to a physio about your frozen shoulder or book an appointment online.